The Marianas Visitors Authority and HK Express held a familiarization tour in Saipan and Tinian from Feb. 21 to 25 to promote direct flights between Hong Kong and the Northern Mariana Islands. Participants included media outlets Nanfang Daily, Metro Daily, Sing Tao Daily, Oriental Daily, Information Times, Yangcheng Evening News and Wen Wei Po and key opinion leaders Sugar’s Roaming and Sunshine Travel Photography.
MVA has also promoted the NMI at several events in Asia (See corresponding photos above, clockwise from top left):
MVA launched the Marianas Supporters program on Jan. 25 in Seoul, where it recruited 30 digital content creators in Seoul to create and release high-quality digital content on various online channels to raise awareness of the Marianas as the ideal destination for free independent travelers. In the year ahead, the participants will visit Rota, Tinian and Saipan and post the latest Marianas travel information and tips on their social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram and blogs.
MVA introduced Marianas-chan Jebro Leon, the young face of the NMI, at a reception attended by 160 media representatives on Feb. 17 in Tokyo.
MVA hosted its annual series of seminars and workshops for travel trade and media representatives in Japan, attracting 61 participants in Osaka on Feb. 14, 50 participants in Nagoya on Feb. 16 and more than 130 participants in Tokyo on Feb. 17. Among the topics presented by the MVA, was the launch of the new “The Marianas” brand, the new Japanese-language website and the Ma rianas 30 Treasures campaign, which features the photography of photographer Junji Takasago.
MVA won The Most Popular Island Destination Award at the 25th Guangzhou International Travel Fair held from Feb. 23-25 at the China Import and Export Fair Complex. The event was attended by 142,300 fair-goers, and MVA was one of 980 tourism-related vendors.
(From left) Yukee Chen, Guangzhou manager; Bruce Bateman, marketing manager; Laura Hsiao, marketing specialist; Roel Bruysters, China office director; and Flo Shi, Beijing public relations manager, all with the Marianas Visitors Authority.