Meghan Hickey
Business Editor
[email protected]
While the editorial board at Guam Business Magazine was selecting, compiling and conversing with the businesspeople featured in this issue’s The A-List (see Page 28), the variety of talented personalities that makeup our business community stood out.
People are successful in business for various reasons. There are the people that have five degrees, ten certifications and every credential possible to make them the smartest in the industry. These people are able to assess economic turns, be the first to adapt to the technicalities of new technologies and have the most efficiently coordinated processes for every task.
Then there are those that may not have the degrees but have grown up watching their parents run a business or simply understand what people want and how to provide it to them. These people immediately win the hearts of their customers, are not afraid to take unprecedented risks and are often the first people you see at a membership meeting or event, because that interaction is their form of schooling.
From A to Z, no matter where a businessperson falls along the spectrum of personality and education, they are integral to shaping the community and economy in which we do business. And on that spectrum as well lie those that make themselves known as influencers and those that may not be as loud but are the building blocks of our economy.
While fully recognizing those that are hushed in their pursuits and their importance, The A-List sets out to recognize those who boldly define our businesses community. There are names that have stayed the same for years and may be considered long-time pillars in an industry. But there are also names that may come as a surprise — people that have recently dug their hands in deep to the commitment of growing their industry and the islands’ wealth.
The excitement now is to watch how those two varieties will interact to build the success of our islands as we continue forward.