“Bending to the Trade Winds,” a novel about the Peace Corps in Chuuk by long-time Guam educator and author Reilly Ridgell, won an Honorable Mention Award in the legacy nonfiction category of the 2015 Eric Hoffer Book Awards and was the first place winner in the compilations/anthologies category of the 2015 Pacific Rim Book Festival.
Two of Ridgell’s other works have won awards: “The Isla Vista Crucible,” a story set in a college town in 1969–1970, won first place in the regional lit category in the 2014 Southern California Book Festival, and “Green Pearl Odyssey,” an adventure set in the islands of Micronesia and Guam, won an Honorable Mention Award in the regional lit category in the 2015 Pacific Rim Book Festival.
Ridgell is working on a fifth edition of “Pacific Nations and Territories,” a widely used textbook, and the third edition of “Pacific Neighbors,” an elementary version of the former.
All of the Ridgell’s works are available through Amazon and other book-selling sites.