Thank you to this year’s participants of the 2024 Best Companies to Work For. A little more than a year after Typhoon Mawar many businesses on island are still recovering. Even so, they were willing to go through the scrutiny of their management and employee teams. What is amazing about many of this year’s participating companies, is the sense of family that is cultivated while also promoting professionalism and even competitiveness within the ranks that encourages innovativeness, problem solving skills and roll-up-your-sleeves hard work. For those companies that could not participate this year, we thank you for your consideration and we hope to see you in the next round.
By Oyaol Ngirairikl
With the island still recovering from the COVID pandemic followed by a typhoon, and qualified workers still a major issue for many businesses, many companies are balancing the increased cost of doing business with benefits.
The workplace environment continues to play a large role in employee satisfaction as we see in this year’s Best Companies to Work For. Sixteen companies of various employee numbers participated in this year’s survey. At least 10% of their employees shared their overall satisfaction of their place in the company via an anonymous survey.
Employees answered questions on a five-point scale with responses ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The questions were grouped into six categories:
- Attraction and retention
- Communication
- Working environment
- Leadership
- Decision making
- Performance management and recognition
There also were two open-ended questions about what employees liked most about their company and where their company could better suit their needs.
The management teams also participated in a separate survey, also anonymous. For smaller companies, at least one person had to respond. Management team members were given topics similar to those of the employees but from the company’s perspective, as well as open-ended questions about attracting and retaining talent, promoting supervisory skills and providing employees with opportunities to share ideas.
Overall, the highest and lowest scores for the different categories and questions continue the trend that Guam Business Magazine has seen these past few years.
Across the board, the highest-ranking responses were those relating to the Working environment, and Communication. These categories were closely followed by Performance management and Recognition. In 2023, Communication had come in third, which was similar to our previous survey.
As it did last year, among all the companies, the highest scoring rate of satisfaction was, “the company provides a safe work environment,” and “the company provides me with regular training and development opportunities.”
The lowest scoring rate of satisfaction among island companies, also followed the trend of previous years: “I think I am paid fairly compared with people in other companies who hold similar jobs.”
In Guam Business Magazine’s last survey, the responses showing second in terms of dissatisfaction at places of employment was lack of information on changes affecting the employee, and the company recognizing good work.
However, this year, employees are putting more weight on other compensation benefits — not just wages. Following closely after compensation concerns were responses to, “I feel the company’s benefits package is comparable to that of other companies of the same size,” which indicates the growing importance of various benefits.
And closely following that, are the responses to the survey question, “I would remain with my company even if a comparable job were available in another company,” which seems to indicate that people are more willing today, compared to the years of the previous surveys, to seek new employment if the environment together with benefit and pay don’t meet their expectations.
What was notable in the responses were smaller companies scored higher overall and their response to the open-ended questions reflected the “family atmosphere.” One respondent commented their appreciation for a “Small size employer” and another employee said they had direct access to the company owners. “The owners are involved and helpful. Always assisting in the needs of the employees.”
The responses seem to correlate with the responses provided by employees in their free responses.
Some of the responses to the open-ended question on what makes the company a great place to work were simple one-word answers including “Family,” “benefits,” and “pay.”
Other responses from employees of various companies that were similar across the board included.
- For the most part, the work environment is great from my perspective. However, there are still leaders within the organization that could improve on being a great leader rather than being a boss.
- The effort upper management makes to take care of its people.
- It is a safe place to ask questions and seek help from other departments.
- Working with my peers is the best way to describe what makes this company great. It feels more like a family than coworkers. When work needs to be done, we make it happen. Work hard and play hard.
- One month salary bonus to employees and that’s great … Recently, sick leave, wellness, and PTO were added as benefits.
- They make it their priority to do events and provide services all year round to help with our mental and physical health. They even provide a quarterly paid day off for mental health that staff members can take any time.
- Our management listens to what kinds of problems you have and helps your needs.
With respect to what companies can do to improve, responses also reflected the five-point survey and the challenges most everyone is seeing as a result of inflated prices caused by the pandemic, interrupted flow of goods and increased fuel prices.
- If the company can give us COLA, that would be great.
- Better part-time benefits such as 50/50 insurance benefits.
- My pay. Acknowledge your staff. Treat everyone the same.
- More training and better collaboration with other departments.
- Shared leave, paternal leave, and being able to convert annual leave for emergency situations, pay raises.
- It would be beneficial if there were clearer pathways for career advancement, including mentorship programs.
- More staffing to appropriately complete the job in a timely manner and safely
- It was interesting that, as we have seen in recent years, the construction and related industries are doing very well. Responses to questions about what can be done better for companies in these fields included responses like.
- Space to accommodate increasing employee population.
- With a growing company, there are more opportunities, and we should have more technical training or continuous education sponsored by the company for the employees.
Management teams’ responses to their anonymous questions were how the responses seemed to correlate to employees’ concerns in many of the businesses. In the open-ended question about what the company does to help their employees some managers’ responses were echoed by other management teams in various companies.
One company manager noted that they work to “make employees feel valued and recognized by work performances, raises and good benefits.”
The respondent added, “Encourage employees to be their best and keep them challenged by improving onboarding processes and having competitive incentives. Restructure company’s work culture and prioritize when hiring and onward – quarterly & annual reviews. Foster the sense of belonging and inclusion regardless of levels – entry levels to managerial levels – getting people involved will distinguish between good employees and employees who need help for improvement like SWOT Analysis.”
Another respondent from a management team noted, “The company offers mentorship and training to advance into higher positions or improve technical and soft skills. Always having the opportunity to learn and grow.”
Guam’s Best Companies to Work For also touted great benefits that include educational and training programs. Additionally, these opportunities to prepare people for career advancement were accompanied with efforts from upper management to ensure there’s room to advance.
One employee summed it up “In one word, CARING … and adding to that the company offers a great learning and development program to include an apprenticeship program that will help employees become better and successful with their career.”
Just about all the companies participating in this year’s survey also said it was important to organize or provide opportunities for employees on all levels to spend time together and with the community at large to build better relationships.
This year we’ve divided our focus into larger and smaller companies by number of employees. We recognize the two groups in separate charts.
All of the top employee-rated companies offered at least four of the five best benefits offered by Guam Business Best Companies to Work For — a 401k or retirement plan; medical, dental and vision insurance options; paid vacation that increases with tenure; and life insurance. Other benefits that trended across high-ranking employers included employee product/service discounts, gas discounts/reimbursement, training or tuition aid, short- and long-term disability insurance and profit sharing.

Note: This year’s results are divided into two charts according to employee numbers.

Note: This year’s results are divided into two charts according to employee numbers.